for all women

for fam

For parents

Resources → This organization offers TONS of practical information about your current birth control options as well as about sex and relationships. → This website has a ton of information about baby and toddler sleep routines. They offer free basic sleep schedules, too. → This organization is founded by two women of color who are incredibly passionate about a sex-positive paradigm shift. Their website is a well of information about healing sexual trauma, being gentle with yourself, and exploring your sexuality. They have many free offerings. → I personally purchased both seasons from OMGYES. The episodes show real women, of all ages and backgrounds, talking about sex. It’s incredibly tasteful, it’s informative, it encourages communication between partners and within ones self. → Every women needs (especially first-time moms who are choosing to nurse their babies) to see the pictures of breasts on this page from Frida. Surprisingly, this brand offers some really interesting blog posts. → Read Your Body is a non-profit and female-led app designed to help you chart your fertility signs. It is endorsed by all of the top FA educators and associations, and is 100% algorithm-free. This app puts the power in your hands, and offers so much information to help you along the way. → Free, helpful information about what your body is experiencing during pregnancy, week by week. This information is honest, insightful, and supportive for mothers and parents-to-be. 

Check out these online resources for pregnant people, parents, and women of all ages